Chatham University
Beatty House
Pfaffmann + Associates was commissioned to undertake a wide range of projects on the Chatham University campus, including a Getty Campus Heritage Grant in 2002. Projects included: the restoration of Beatty House, which received a City of Pittsburgh Historic Preservation award; renovations to Mellon Hall (administrative offices, a new elevator tower, and executive conference rooms); and restoration of the Welker Music Room (former library). In 1998, P+A provided local support for the expansion and renovation of Buhl Hall's new science facilities, a project that received an AIA Pittsburgh design award.
Client: Chatham University (1997-2005)
1999 Annual Preservation Award: Beatty House Renovation
Historic Review Commission of Pittsburgh
2000 Citation of Merit for Design Excellence: Buhl Hall Renovation and Addition, Affiliated Architect
AIA Pittsburgh